The Appraisal Summary

This section is completed by the appraiser and provides evidence to the Responsible Officer that the doctor has completed the appraisal to a satisfactory standard and there are no concerns or fitness to practice issues. The final statement declares that the doctor works to the guidance of the GMC’s ‘Good Medical Practice’ document.

If your appraiser doesn’t write very much, it might indicate that the appraisal was of poor quality and raise suspicion. Therefore ask the appraiser write a full summary. They are likely being paid for it.

A checklist of what could be in a summary is  –  

  • That the appraisee engaged with the appraisal process. How long did the appraisal discussion last for?
  • That ?x number of documents were supplied as evidence of good practice.
  • That the full scope of  work has been discussed, and external references of external work included eg Private practice, locums, voluntary work.
  • CPD points – how many and does this meet college requirements, usually 50 points per year (put how many points are counted), and whether the CPD is felt appropriate by the appraiser. That there is reflection on the CPD.
  • If any Trust requirements have been met and relevant evidence has been included.
  • That mandatory training is up to date.
  • PDP has been reviewed and new PDP is appropriate.
  • If any complaints have been reflected on.
  • If MSF meets requirements and any reflection on the MSF.
  • If there are any issues that need addressing in the next year.
  • Any objectives that requires help from the organisation 

Including the above information would meet NHSE guidelines.

Below is an example of a  summary containing the correct sort of wording.

Summary of the Appraisal Discussion

Domain 1: Knowledge, skills and performance 

Dr X works as a consultant Rhubarbologist for the NHS and privately, as well as having a role with HEE. A jobplan descibing the full scope of work was uploaded . He currently delivers 10 PA of activity for MKUH, and details of clinical and non-clinical activity were discussed in a reflective manner.

To maintain knowledge, evidence of CPD activity in the form of a RCP CPD diary activity was presented. The 65 CPD credits is in excess of College recommended CPD requirements both for last 12 months. The spread of CPD is across both internal and external activity and felt to be of good quality. The doctor has reflected on the CPD appropriately. 

Clinical activity as evidenced by logbook entries indicate a reduction in clinical activity over the past year, and this was discussed in terms of continued competency. The challenges of having multiple roles and also maintaining a high standard of practice was discussed, and a plan to target future CPD to maintain knowledge and skills was agreed. This will be in next years PDP.

CSU, Clinical Director and External references were submitted and there were no performance issues highlighted by any of these references – indeed they were complimentary, indicating high performance. An external review of the department recently gave credit for high standard of practice.

Domain 2: Safety and quality 

The required inputs from the Trust appraisal checklist were complete.

Evidence provided that the Trust Mandatory training is nearly up to date at 95%. Manual handing is outstanding, and reassurance has been given by Dr X that this will be addressed within 8 weeks.

The CPD and reflection on the learning is of high quality.

No personal complaints / SUIs, but reflection was provided on a case investigation that Dr X undertook as a trained investigator.

No quality improvement activity has been included in that domain, but on discussion, there are audits that have been started, and this will feature in the PDP and next year’s appraisal.

The logbook shows the cases being undertaken, and DR X declared that he works within his competency for these cases. Dr X provided national benchmark data from Dr Foster and the procedure registery.

Domain 3: Communication, partnership and teamwork 

This year Dr X has undertaken an MSF. The numbers were appropriate and meet the Trust minimum numbers guidelines. Appropriate reflection has taken place and overall it was a positive msf. One reply indicated that there could be an issue with accessing Dr X due to his many roles. This was discussed as above in terms of the challenges of delivering so many roles.

We discussed what positive attributes Dr X has that results in such good feedback.
There was evidence of an appraisal from HEE, and there were no issues highlighted.

Evidence of feedback as an appraiser provided and the results discussed in terms of learning and future development in this role.

There were no concerns or SUIs relating to teamworking.

The appraisal documents and accompanying text were presented clearly and legibly as an example of his documentation practice.

There is evidence of attendance at departmental meetings and MDT, engaging with a range of colleagues and disciplines.

Domain 4: Maintaining trust 

The appraisal documentation and supporting information indicated full disclosure of activity across the whole scope of work.

The health and probity declarations have been signed, and no concerns regarding this have been raised during the appraisal discussion.

There were no concerns or SUIs.

There was evidence of reflection form the MSF and across Dr X ‘s practice.

General Summary of the Appraisal

Dr X fully engaged in the appraisal process and submitted his documemts for review in good time. The appraisal portfolio was reviewed and found to be complete. The required inputs from the Trusts appraisal checklist were all present.

The appraisal conversation was open and our meeting and discussion lasted 1 ½ hours.

The supporting information included 17 documents, covering CPD, personal development, quality assurance activity and evidence of good medical practice. There were references from the BNI private hospital as well as from the IE medical locum service for whom Dr X occasionally works.

Mandatory training needs to be fully completed as compliance sits at 88%. This was discusssed and a plan made to attend ‘manual handling’ within the next 2 months and update the Equality and diversity online.

The previous year’s appraisal document was reviewed and the PDP was discussed. Most were felt to have been met or are in progress.

This year’s CPD activity was reviewed, and the credits totalled 65 points for the year. The CPD covered his full scope of practice, and the mix of internal and external was appropriate, and there was evidence of reflection and learning on that CPD.

Quality improvement activity was discussed, and some developed as PDP for next year. Dr X specialty performs against the MINAP HQIP national audit program, and Dr X is the department lead for this and contributed data to this audit. The latest recommendations have been reviewed by his team and adopted by the department.

There were no SI or concerns to discuss.

Colleague and patient feedback was discussed in terms of personal learning from the feedback. There was appropriate reflection on the MSF results.

PDP was discussed for next year, and felt to be appropriate to allow for personal development and to help maintain current standards.

Revalidation is in 2025