An appraisal is required each year in order to retain your GMC ‘License to Practice’. An appraisal will influence your Responsible Officer’s decision to give the recommendation that your license to practice be ‘revalidated’ ( ie : Revalidate you). Your revalidation date is written in your GMC profile in your GMC online page.
During your appraisal, you will need to demonstrate that you are up to date and fit to practice, with no concerns regarding your practice.
This website is intended to help doctors complete their appraisal form and to meet the standards required for revalidation.
If you work at Milton Keynes University hospital, please download the appraisal checklist from the Trust website to ensure that your appraisal portfolio complies with trust policy.
The main parts of the appraisal that this website will help with are –
- What the Appraisal Form (MAG FORM) looks like.
- How to write reflection.
- Scope of Work – what does that mean?
- Reflecting on a critical incident or SUI.
- Reflecting on your feedback from MSFs.
- Understanding what PDP actually is.
- The Appraisal Summary.
A typical fault with most appraisal documents is that the appraisee hasn’t written much. Write your thoughts about your activity down, reflect on what you have done, and get your appraiser to write a summary that includes the evidence you have provided of good practice, learning and reflection.
Please be aware that all inputs into the apprisal portfolio must be anonymised and contain NO identifiable information – patient or colleagues.
The GMC have made updates to the Good Medical Practice Guide, which informs your medical practice. It can be viewed here –